“The Early Years” by Winston Churchill

I really wanted to learn more about Churchill’s biography, but I didn’t know which book to start with. His biographies have been written enough, each of which has its own pros and cons. My pangs of choice were resolved by the advice of an experienced reader – it is best to read books written by Winston Churchill himself, and it is worth starting with “My Early Years.” I am very grateful for this advice.

In this book, Winston Churchill described his childhood and adolescence, up to 1904. His manner of narration is markedly different from the usual autobiographies. From time to time I caught myself thinking that an interesting adventure novel was unfolding in front of me – the events were so exciting! At the same time, the boundaries between the author and the reader were not felt, leaving a feeling of friendly conversation.

I read with great interest. One got the impression that I had a personal conversation with Winston Churchill, eagerly listening to interesting facts from his life, wise thoughts and advice. In every line one can feel his strength and confidence, which is partly and tactfully transferred to the reader. That is why I preferred to read this book in the morning – the chapters read had such a positive effect on me that I ran to work inspired.

The book gave me a lot of new things. I learned the details of his childhood trauma, family relationships, the history of his battles, as well as the fact that he was in captivity! Sometimes, I read in such a way that I missed my metro station. Great English humor gives the whole story a special charm!

So, I highly recommend reading this book. An excellent autobiography reminiscent of an adventure novel and written in beautiful language that does not cause yawning. Fascinating reading, a share of motivation and a great mood are guaranteed)